Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Scenes written by Randula

Part Two
Tumi Lengosa as Andre / Tiffany's Boyfriend (Popular Kid 2)
Toby Grant as (Popular Kid 3)
Zoë Timberlake-Walzer as (Popular Kid 4)
Randula Karunajeewa as Mike / Drake's Best Friend (Jock 2)
Ian Ikeda as (Jock 3)
Artur Zargaryan as (Jock 4)
Nat Goddard as (Jock 5)
Fatim Diallo as Coach Shaw (Teacher 1)
Devika Nair as Tiffany (Popular Kid 1)
Eddie Price as Drake (Jock 1)

Scene One; Football

Enter Popular Kids (left) and Jocks and Coach Shaw (right).

Coach Shaw: Come on ladies, show them what you've got! Do you call that a drop kick! Don't make me come out there.
Tiffany: You know, that guy is kind of cute, what's his name.
Andre: I think his name is Drake or something.
Tiffany: Is he like single?
Andre: Yeah I think so.
Score announcer: Touchdown! Nations' 24 Drake has just given his team a 35 - 7 lead with one minute left!
Tiffany: Andre, we are done. I'm so asking out that cutie Drake.
Andre: But…
Tiffany: Shut up Andre, I'm trying to watch my boyfriend playing soccer.
Prep 4: Football.
Tiffany: Did I ask you?
Prep 4: No Tiffany, sorry.
Coach calls the team back.
Tiffany: I need a distraction. Now.
Prep 4 moves away with jock 3. Preps 2 + 3 goes into a conversation with coach and other jocks about the game. Tiffany drags Drake to a side.
Tiffany: Hi Drake. I think you played amazingly today.
Drake: Thanks.
Tiffany: I especially liked your last take down.
Drake: Uh you mean touchdown but thanks.
Tiffany: So do you want to go to the prom with me.
Drake: Uumm.. Sure, I guess. Why not.
Tiffany: Okay so pick me up at like seven thirty, oaky.
Drake: Sure.
Coach: Alright ladies, time to hit the showers!

Jocks exit (right) and Popular Kids exit (left).

Drake: Hey Mike. You know that girl, Tiffany. She just asked me to prom. Do you think I should go? I mean, would you go?
Mike: With Tiffany? No, I wouldn't go but hey, she is the most popular girl in school. Most guys would die t take her to prom so I think you should take the chance.
Drake: Okay then.

Scene Two; After the Prom

Enter Tiffany and Drake (right).

Tiffany: What is up with you. Why did you ditch me to dance with some guys? I'm your date, not them.
Drake: Sorry, it's just … I…. I…. I don't need to explain myself to you!
Tiffany slaps Drake across the face.
Tiffany: What did you just say!?!Did you say that you don't have to explain yourself to me!?!
Tiffany slaps Drake three times.

Enter Mike (right).

Mike: Hey what's going on? Hey stop!
Mike runs over and shoves Tiffany away from Drake.
Tiffany: Animals. Both of you are arrogant, stupid, inconsiderate animals!

Tiffany storms off stage (left).

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