Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tumi's Part Of theScript

High School Dilemma

Pre-Scene: Psychologist
*The Three in the psychologist’s office, on the couch. Prep1 is hand-cuffed. Psychologist in his chair*
Psychologist: So tell me, what happened for us to get to arrive where we are right now?
*awkward silence, then finally:*
Nerd1: Well it all started last week: *flashback sound*

Scene 1: In the Hallway
Nerd’s friend
Main Prep
Prep’s posse (background characters)
The Bullies
2 Skaters (background characters)
Random Music People (background characters)

Story:In the hallway, a nerd and his best friend are at their lockers. The nerd’s friend asks him a question. He doesn’t respond because he’s staring at the preps. His friend puts him down about her.

Then the bullies come in, harass the nerds and embarrass Nerd1 right in front of the girls. The girls leave talking badly about the Nerd. As everyone else leaves, and its only the main Nerd on the stage and the random music person, we will put on a sad violin song that the random music person will play.

*Start with everyone except the bullies on stage. People are murmuring (to mimic a high-school corridor), but quietly, so that the main dialogue of the time is heard. Background noise track will be on in background. When a main dialogue is finished, its participants reduce themselves to murmuring quietly to make sure the next one is heard.*

*nerds are at their lockers [which are against the back wall]*
Nerd 2: Hey dude, have you handed in your science project yet?
*Nerd 1 stays irresponsive, just staring at Prep 1 who is on the other side of the stage*
Nerd 2: Hey dude, did you hear me? *shakes Nerd 1* HEY!
Nerd 1: Wa, wha? *dazed*
Nerd 2: *sounding irritated* I said, did you hand in your science project yet?
Nerd 1: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Nerd 2: Good, cause [teacher1] said that he would take off points if it was late.
Nerd 1: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Nerd 2: *looks at Nerd 1* Are you even listening to me? Do you know how hard it is to have a conversation with-
Nerd 1: *interrupting* Do you think [Prep 1] loves [Jock1]?
Nerd 2: Oh no, here we go again. How many times do I have to tell you she’s SO out of your league? Do I have to remind you that this is all a hierarchy? You can’t just be anyone and love a Prep!
Nerd1: Yeah, yeah, I know. But you didn’t answer my question.
*come in bullies at opposite side of stage. Ambient noise track fades. *
Nerd2: Well I think that she- *bully2 grabs Nerd2 and throws him away. Nerd2 screams. Everyone goes silent. Both bullies then turn and face Nerd1, who is now slowly backing up towards the preps. Everyone else moves towards the edge of the stage, forming a sort of ‘fight semi-circle’*
Nerd1: *awkwardly* hey guys.....uh, how are things?
Bully1: Better now that its collection day.
Bully2: And you’ll never guess who’s first on the list.
Nerd1: *scared* Yeah, uh, see about that, I kinda forgot to-
*Bully 2 grabs Nerd1 by the collar*
Bully 1: Where’s my money?
Nerd1: I don’t have it.
Bully1: *mocking* Awww, you don’t have it? Well, you know what happens to people who don’t pay.
Nerd1: *really scared*oh no, please, no.
Bully2: Quiet!
Bully1: Be grateful I’m in a good mood. *turns to bully 2* Give him here.
*Bully2 gives Bully1 Nerd1, and then Bully1 gives him a wedgie, right in front of the girls, who are still standing there. He then drops him on the floor in front of the girls. Then the bullies leave, laughing.*
*Some of the preps start laughing. Other people are like ‘OHHH!!! (Wincing as if they were in pain)’*
Main Prep: *snobbish* Isn’t he such a loser?
*The Preps answer things like ‘yeah, totally’ and ‘well, he isn’t a winner now, is he?’ Everyone then leaves the stage saying things like ‘loser!’ and laughing*

Scene 4: How the story ends – Outline
After seeing the awkward romance between Jock1 and Nerd1, Prep1 gets extremely upset. We will play cautious music that says ‘someone is up to something’. Prep1 will [stealthily] go to Jock’s house, hooded. She will put little boxes inside and then run out side and hide in a bush. The music will fade out. Then she will then press the detonate button. Then the explosion sound will be played. Then, after a moment, the sirens will come on, signalling the arrival of the police. Then the Jock’s family arrives. All this time, Prep1 is still waiting in the bush. She decides to make her move and leave, but gets seen doing it. The police chase her off the stage, and then back on it where they finally arrest her in the middle of the stage. Everyone then goes off the stage.
We bring the couch back and the psychologist’s chair. Off stage Prep1 must put the handcuffs back on, and then she will be led through the door to the couch by the hand by one police officer. Then the other police officer will just usher the other two in. Then the psychologist will come in, sit down on his chair and ask: ‘So tell me, what happened to us to arrive where we are right now?’

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